Saturday, May 10, 2008

Langit Template

Langit is the latest and coolest “make
money” blog template to hit the scene here at eBlog Templates.
It’s a very modern, web 2.0, 3 column, black and blue template
with a ton of features including some never before used in a Blogger
template! We really try to push the limits with our latest and greatest
templates and know you’re going to love this one.

This template will work right out of the box but in order to
personalize it just for you, it’s going to take some work.
You’ll need to edit the template code which is usually for more
experienced Blogger users but anyone is welcome to try of course. The
difficulty level is a 9/10 so be prepared to sit down and spend some
time setting this template up.

Features Include:

  • Several different types of highly optimized “Make Money” ad spots

  • Built-in FeedBurner rss and subscribe via email area

  • Top box displaying your 10 most recent posts (yes I said 10)

  • Calendar style date on each individual post

  • Header banner rotator

  • Dynamic top tabs so you can easily add them

  • Custom comments section

  • Live website traffic widget from FeedIt

  • And much more…

This is the first ever Blogger template that includes a very cool
header banner rotator so you can randomly display several different
banners in one spot! View the demo and try reloading the page a couple
times to see it in action. There are four different banners sharing
that spot.

Here’s a quick screenshot of how the comments section looks on
this template. It’s very unique and not your boring Blogger-style
look which makes the Langit template so special.


Let’s Configure this Template!

Ok, you’ve got your beverage of choice, a comfortable chair,
and are now ready to setup this new template for your blog. We’re
going to start from the top and work our way down and I advise you to
make backups of your template along the way. Also, always remember to
check the “expand widget templates” checkbox in the edit
html window of Blogger otherwise you won’t see the entire
template code. Let’s begin.

Step #1 - Setup Your Header Banner

The 468 x 60 header banner is a great spot to advertise and
you’ll see this spot being used on many websites. The banner spot
on this template is an HTML/Javascript widget so you can easily paste
in whatever code you want. You actually have several options so choose
the one that works best for you.Option 1 - I don’t want to mess with the code now right now and can always come back later. Let’s keep the existing banners. This
is also a good choice if you don’t have any banners to use at
this time. If you don’t have any banners to use, I recommend
signing up for at least one affiliate program like Text Link Ads, or
LinkWorth which will give you banners. If you click on the banners in
the demo, it will take you to the sites where you can sign-up.

Option 2 - I don’t like ads and want to remove it. Sure, just delete the widget from your blog.

Option 3 - I only have one banner and don’t want to use the banner rotator script.
Ok, no problem. Just edit the banner widget and paste in your single
banner code. It will automatically remove the banner rotator and
replace it with your new banner.

Option 4 - I’ve got plenty of time and a few banners and want to set this thing up now. Perfect! In order for you to get your banners to work properly, you’ll need to run the javascript banner rotator script
(you’ll need to have your banner images hosted somewhere before
using the banner rotator script otherwise it won’t work) to give
you the proper code and then just paste it into the banner widget box
within your layout page. This will automatically remove the default banner rotator and replace it with your new banners.

Step #2 - Setup Your RSS Feed Using FeedBurner

Before moving forward, I recommend you first read our article on the basics of setting up FeedBurner for Blogger
if you don’t already have an account. After you get your account
up and running, you’ll need to edit the template code to update
the FeedBurner section.


First, search your template code for id=”top_rblock”
which is where you’ll find the FeedBurner code. Next, replace the
“YOUR-BLOG-NAME-HERE” text with your FeedBurner provided
info. You’ll also need to activate the email subscription feature
within FeedBurner. (read the bottom part of the article describing
where you get the code). There are a total of 4 places you need to
update so make sure you got them all.

You’ll also want to add your own feed counter which shows the
total number of subscribers you have. You’ll need to activate
this first under “Publicize” –>
“FeedCount” and then scroll down to click on
“Activate”. Now you can change the colors and copy the code
to use in your Blogger template. You’ll want to replace the
following code in your template:

with something that looks like this:

Now your feed count will automatically update whenever someone subscribes to your blog!

Step #3 - Add Top Tabs

This is pretty easy actually since the top tabs are generated via a
link list. Just go into your Blogger layout page and click
“edit” on the “top tabs” widget. There you can
add as many tabs as you want. The “home” tab automatically
appears so you don’t need to create one.


This template was originally designed for WordPress by Eches and converted to Blogger by GosuBlogger.

Get Your Individual Post Date Stamp Working

Chances are when you first install this template your timestamp
format won’t be set properly and you’ll see an “undefined” message
instead of the post date. You’ll need to make one small change in your
“Settings” => “Formatting” => “Timestamp Format” section before
it will work. Change whatever you currently have to this format:
“Sunday, April 13, 2008″ and then save. Make sure you change the
“Timestamp Format” which is the 4th one down. Your template should now
work properly.


Ok, that pretty much covers everything you need to properly setup
this template. Oh, one more thing. On some blogs, the header blog name
title is too wide and ends up wrapping which doesn’t look so good. You
can easily change that by going into your Blogger “Fonts & Colors”
section and making your title size smaller. Another option is to just
shorten your blog name but I don’t think you want to do that.


eBlog Templates saw a lot more potential with the nice template and
decided to take GosuBlogger’s initial conversion to the next level by
optimizing and adding several new features to help you make more money
with your site.

Revision History

4/13/08 - Fixed json entry.title.$t javascript error so the template now validates correctly in both IE and FF.

4/14/08 - Fixed another javascript error only affected
in IE. It was the FeedBurner form action url. Also made the subscribe
box a small pop-up window instead of a new browser page.

Live Demo
